logo The World’s #1 Bootstrap 4 HTML, Angular 10, React, VueJS & Laravel
Admin Dashboard Theme

Angular Skeleton

1. Remove Demo Pages:

All demo pages are in separate modules.

  1. Remove demo pages folder:

    Leave auth, i18n and errors folder. Auth is required for authentication module like login and register page. errors is required for 404 page redirect (* you able to keep only error page and remove others). i18n is required for application localization.

  2. Remove demo pages from Routing in file [metronic]/theme/angular_new/[demo]/src/app/pages/pages-routing.module.ts:

    Remove code from row20 to 55

    // Other code
      // {
          //   path: 'ecommerce',
          //   loadChildren: () =>
          //     import('../modules/e-commerce/e-commerce.module').then(
          //       (m) => m.ECommerceModule
          //     ),
          // },
          // {
          //   path: 'user-management',
          //   loadChildren: () =>
          //     import('../modules/user-management/user-management.module').then(
          //       (m) => m.UserManagementModule
          //     ),
          // },
          // {
          //   path: 'ngbootstrap',
          //   loadChildren: () =>
          //     import('../modules/ngbootstrap/ngbootstrap.module').then(
          //       (m) => m.NgbootstrapModule
          //     ),
          // },
          // {
          //   path: 'wizards',
          //   loadChildren: () =>
          //     import('../modules/wizards/wizards.module').then(
          //       (m) => m.WizardsModule
          //     ),
          // },
          // {
          //   path: 'material',
          //   loadChildren: () =>
          //     import('../modules/material/material.module').then(
          //       (m) => m.MaterialModule
          //     ),
          // },
  3. Remove demo pages links from Aside Menu Static in file [metronic]/theme/angular_new/[demo]/src/app/pages/_layout/components/aside/aside.component.html: (*if you are using static aside) Remove all html code from row 77 to 1483
  4. Remove demo pages links from Aside Menu Dynamic in file [metronic]/theme/angular_new/[demo]/src/app/_metronic/configs/dynamic-aside-menu.config.ts: (*if you are using dynamic aside) Remove all html code from row 19 to 347
  5. Remove demo pages links from Header Menu Static in file [metronic]/theme/angular_new/[demo]/src/app/pages/_layout/components/header/header-menu/header-menu.component.html: (*if you are using static header) Remove all html code from row 24 to 1177
  6. Remove demo pages links from Header Menu Dynamic in file [metronic]/theme/angular_new/[demo]/src/app/_metronic/configs/dynamic-header-menu.config.ts: (*if you are using dynamic header) Remove all html code from row 16 to 389

2. Remove Dashboard widgets:

All dashboard widgets can be easily removed.

  1. Remove dashboard+widgets folders:
  2. Remove Dashboard imports in dashboard module [metronic]/theme/angular_new/[demo]/src/app/pages/dashboard/dashboard.module.ts:
    import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
    import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
    import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
    import { DashboardComponent } from './dashboard.component';
    // import { DashboardsModule } from '../../_metronic/partials/content/dashboards/dashboards.module';
      declarations: [DashboardComponent],
      imports: [
            path: '',
            component: DashboardComponent,
        // DashboardsModule,
    export class DashboardModule {}
  3. Remove Dashboard component in dashboard page [metronic]/theme/angular_new/[demo]/src/app/pages/dashboard/dashboard.component.html:
    <!-- <app-dashboard-wrapper></app-dashboard-wrapper> -->
Metronic: Angular skeleton => Result